Thursday, November 10, 2011


The other night, Jason and I were spending some time with our beautiful babies...Ryan with Daddy and Violet with Mommy.  Ryan and Jason were playing away and Ryan was giggling uncontrollably...and over what.....Jason making him pretend to walk.  The giggling was out of control and adorable.  

Cut to Violet....and it is here that I should point out that she never really laughs or giggles....once in a while we can get something out of her.  She has made angry eyes an art form and typically, when we are trying to play with her and get her to laugh and such, she looks at us with this look that is a cross between confusion and "wow, these people are out of their minds".  Anyway, she gave me a few smiles in response to my enthusiastic hi's and such...but nothing compared to Ryan.  Violet and I then began to "play".  Now, I tried everything from going up in the air to tickling her to the "so big" game.  She was having none of it.  Suddenly, she decided that it was a good idea to put a death grip on my thumbs and use me to work on getting herself up from a lying position to standing....which by the way, she can do without me pulling her up. 

Most of you are probably, what a strong girl and SHE IS!  However, she continued to do this for 5 minutes and with each pull up, I would tell her in my high-pitched baby talking voice what a strong girl she was and she would give this smile that was so full of self-satisfaction that it was almost disturbing.  It wasn't her usual wide-mouthed grin that she gives when I say hello to her after coming home for the this is something much more sinister.  Then when I would try to move on to something else, she would start crying until I put my thumbs back into her little hands for more work on her core!

So what is the point you ask....well, it is my belief that Violet is to the Garski's what Stewie is to the Griffin's.  I believe that Violet is doing strength training in order to overpower us in the days to come.  I fear that I will wake up with Violet standing next to my bed with some kind of mind control device which she will use to start her take over of the world. 

You might be saying to yourself...."Violet is only 4 months old...can she even think about this stuff?"  I guess you need to see the strength training and that sinister smile yourself to really understand the magnitude of this situation!!!   I will work on getting a picture of the plotter in action!

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